how to enhance the makeup on Photoshop

     Hi every one to day i am going to show you how to enhance the makeup on ps,make sure that this will be very easy and i hope you enjoy it.
 first of all ,open the photo that you want to work with and then follow the steps below. 


    so as i sad it is an easy way to do a simple makeup on ps. you have just to choose the right colors from the same photo by the EYEDROPPER TOOL and then choose  BUSH TOOL to brush over the eyes, lips,cheeks...  you have to change the opacity to over  20 and flow to 85 that will be okay for this picture but you can change them as you want . at first  change the mode of brush tool from normal to overlay  and then choose the soft light to enhance the lips   

  you can change the photo on the same layer so you do not need to create a lot of  layers and in each one you have to do different work . but, i suggest you to enhance each part in a layer .
 It looks professional  and so natural 
here is an other photo that i have made by the same way

 In this photo i did the high light and then the makeup . So in the next tutorial i will show you how to do an exciting high light as i have it here .
  So that is all for today i hope you enjoyed it and see you next tutorial "HAVE A NICE DAY"



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