how to do an exciting high light on photoshop

  Hi every one today i am going to show you how to do an exciting high light on Photoshop 
       first of all, open the photo that you want to work with and then follow the easy steps below.


   first of all do a right clique on the background  layer and choose Duplicate layer or select the background layer and enter "CTRL     J"  it better to rename it for example "Screen" 
then go to Mode and change it from NORMAL to SCREEN .

After that do a dual clique on this layer and work on  the black side of Underlying layer untel you set the high light on the noise cheeks  and some parts on the nick and then clique on ALT and on the small black arrow , turn the left and the right side of it  untel you will be happy with the result 
 Now go back to the background later and clique on "CTRL     J" and rename it "Multiply" and then go to mode and change it from Normal to Multiply . do a dual clique on this layer  and work with the white arrow move it and make sure that the high light's partes on the white colore clique on ALT and at the same time on the white arrow and remove it untel you will be happy with the results .
   After that select the Screen and the Multiply layers an click on " CTRL        G " and then make a layer mask by clicking on the mask icon at  the bottom of the Photoshop screen  . go to image choose "Apply Image" for the opacity 100 is enough but you can change it as you want .
   Untel now the high light of the face is ready but if you want to make the photo more exciting you have to enhance the lips and the eyes .    
    To enhance the lips : go to the adjustment icon and chose Solid Color  chose white , open the blending options by doing a dual click on the colore fill then work with the black arrow untel you set the high light on the lips do a click on ALT and another one  on the black arrow to make it natural 

 Lien permanent Lien permanent                                                                     
  To enhance the eyes : do the same steeps that we have done with the lips .                                                                                                                                           
 Lien permanent

 And that is all for this tutorial i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you will do it will and make sure that if you follow all the steps you will have a very good result .
See you and "HAVE A NICE DAY".


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